Need a generator for your business, purchasing one could cost you quite a bit. Instead of buying an emergency power supply, consider renting one. Renting a generator can save you money and stress for a number of different reasons.
Less maintenance needed. If you own your own generator, it needs to be serviced from time to time. Not only does this cost you more in parts, but it also costs you time. Instead of having a generator readily available, you’ll have to plan your projects around your needed maintenance. Renting a generator ensures that your machine is well-maintained and ready to go whenever you need it.
Renting saves money. Most projects don’t require a generator long-term. If you need a generator for a short amount of time, it doesn’t make sense to spend the money to buy a new machine. Renting a generator allows you to have the equipment you need without paying the price for a new one. Plus, by renting, you don’t have to worry about paying for storage, maintenance, or transportation. Save money by choosing to rent your generator instead of buying one.
More flexibility. If you choose to buy a generator, you’re locked into one size, one output, and one rating. Different projects require different sized generators. To ensure that you have the size and power of generator that you need, rent instead of buying. This allows you choose the generator that you need to fit the scope of each project. Plus, with the expertise of the rental company, you’re sure to rent the right machine for your needs.
Field service and help. If you choose to purchase a generator, you’re giving up the support and field assistance that rental services offer. With a rented generator, you get on-site support should you have any questions, concerns, or issues. This means that a technician is always available to service your generator no matter where you are.
The ability to try before you buy. If you’ve never purchased a generator before, you probably don’t know which load and power is best for your project. Renting a generator allows you try out different sizes and powers to determine which model is best for you before shelling out the big bucks.
No out of pocket cost for warranty and insurance. Renting a generator doesn’t require you to pay for insurance or warranty policies. If there are any issues with the equipment, you aren’t held liable as you would be if you owned it.
Flexibility in time. Do you need a generator for a few weeks? No problem! Generator rentals are available for as long as you need. If you need a different powered generator for a different project, you don’t have to worry about saving up to buy a new model. Simply rent a different size and complete your project on time.
Instead of purchasing the equipment you need, rent a generator. These emergency power systems are come in many different sizes and powers. Get the model you need for your facility without having to dip into your pocket to pay for it. Renting a generator is a great way to save time, money, and reduce your stress.